Founded in 2008 by David Bonaventura, Tsovet have raised the bar in watch design. Inspired by industrial tools and retro gauges Tsovet watches appear to merge classic style watch design with the modern. One thing to give Tsovet credit for is that they have sourced the best parts for their watches from around the globe. The majority of the watch is from Switzerland and the straps and made from italian leather. It is this combination that makes Tsovet a brand of class, elegance and stature.

As well and making fabulous watches, Tsovet have just released a publication called chronicle. It is viewable online and can be ordered in paper copy. It is a selection of articles about people who have pursued their passions in life. The first issue is a vary interesting read and is full of diversity as it transports you from viewing the work of photographer Patrick Trefz to visiting Michael Woolaways Motorcycle shop. The issue is jam packed with exciting images and interviews. It is clear that the aim of this magazine is to inspire and show how their is a Tsovet watch for everyone, whatever style or profession.
Follow this link to see Issue one: